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This page is dedicated to making resources available to our membership.

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How to update your information and view the directory:


1) Please click the "Member Portal" tab below and Log in to your ServantKeeper Member Portal using the email address you use for online giving or have on file with the church.

2) Verify your information and upload a new photo of you and your family for the online directory.


If you need to add or update your email address on file, please email Once your email on file is updated, you will be able to access the online directory.


Christmas Poinsettia Orders

Dedicate Your Poinstettia's

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Men's Spring Walk 25-163

Dates: February 20, 2025

Led By: 

Location:  Lone Star, Texas


Women's Spring Walk 25-164

Dates: April. 24-27, 2025

Led By: 

Location:  Lone Star, Texas

The Walk to Emmaus develops Christian disciples and leaders by inspiring, challenging, and equipping active adult church members for Christian action in their homes, churches, workplaces, and communities. It also benefits less active members who are seeking to renew a relationship with God, grow spiritually, or discover firmer foundations for their lives.


Through The Walk to Emmaus, as they seek to become healthy and vital congregations, local churches have both a means of growing disciples and a tool for developing leaders for their disciple-making systems.


The program begins with a 72-hour short course in Christianity that is wrapped in prayer and signs of sacrificial service. It continues for the rest of participants’ lives with follow-up groups that, along with the local church’s robust offerings, contribute to participants’ ongoing growth in grace.

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DeKalb FUMC Reunion Group

If you've already attended the Walk to Emmaus, please register with our Reunion Group! Click on the deColores button and complete the form.

Summer 2025 Dates


Lakeview Summer Camp - Grades 2nd - 12th
June 23rd - 27th
Information and Registration to Come Soon
UMARMY High School Mission - Grades 9th-12th
July 6th-12th
Information and Registration to Come Soon

Policies and Proceedures

What is the Book of Discipline

DeKalb's First United Methodist Church is chartered by the United Methodist denomination whose governance documents are the Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church, 2016, which serves as the Bylaws for United Methodist churches. 

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The Local Church (via the Administrative Council aka Trustees), in accordance to the Book of Discipline, is charged with creating policies and procedures for the governance of the local church in keeping with the bylaws as outlined in the Book of Discipline. (See ¶ 2529 for details.) This allows each United Methodist Church to contextualize the ministry of the church to it's mission field in order to best make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.  

The Policies and Procedures for First United Methodist are listed here. They are reviewed and updated every year and approved at Charge Conference each Fall. 

If you have any questions about FUMC DeKalb's Policies and Procedures, please contact the church office.

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